11 September 2008


Wow it's been like how long since I started this blog and I'm only typing the 2nd post now! Alright forget about the first post cause that was just pathetic. I hope I can blog regularly from now on, even for at least once a week? Well my national slavery due date on the 22nd probably ain't gonna help but what the hell.

To kick off my first post I shall talk about just some random stuff that's going on around me and how I feel about them.

First off, it's my last day working for Nanyang Polytechnic tomorrow due to NS! I must say it was a wonderful opportunity and I'm extremely thankful for it. Training the WSS MEDDCADD Team has been at times frustrating and stressful but I wouldn't have had it any other way for the joy and friendship those guys have brought me is priceless. I'd also like to give a big thanks to my manager Mr Lim Kim Bah a.k.a teddymon (hope he doesn't see this :p). He's a real great guy and a really great manager, someone whom I've learnt so much from and it really was a pleasure to work under him.

I'd also like to thank my mentor cum boss Mr Teo Cheng Yong. From the start he took me under his wing and has always believed in me. Although we do not always agree on things, which can be rather frustrating at times :p, I've always seen him as a 2nd father to me and I really do not know how to repay him for all that he's done for me and taught me. Unfortunately for him I'm not the one to succeed him in his trade but he will always be regarded by me as my mentor and as some people say, my godfather.