22 September 2008

Last post before NS

Alright I'm going in tomorrow morning at 8.30 and this shall be the last post before I get back out! In about well, 1 week.

So anyway, if anyone is interested in catching Disaster Movie, please be advised it is as it's title says, this coming from a huge fan of lame ass spoof movies. I don't have much to write about today so I shall just write about what's been a pressing issue happening around me at this moment in time.

Guys please don't be an idiotic arsehole by chasing a girl and then when you finally get her you just give some lame crap excuse not to be together. You may think it's noble of you and it's for a good reason but please give yourself a reality check for being a retard. I would know, been there done that. So if for some unlikely reason you happen to read this, you know who you are. I hope this doesn't affect you too much Drea, you'll bounce back some day so don't worry ;)

This song is for you Drea.

19 September 2008

The human spirit and morality

Chivalry: The qualities idealized by knighthood, such as bravery, courtesy, honor, and gallantry toward women.

Valour: boldness or determination in facing great danger
As seen in the video, it is a tribute to Roger Williamson who died of asphyxiation after he crashed his March in the 1973 Dutch GP. He was left to die by the side of the track while the race continued and only one driver, David Purley, abandoned his race in an attempt to rescue his friend from the burning car, albeit in vain. The marshalls were uncooperative and they merely covered the wreckage with a blanket til the race ended before removing Williamson, who was already dead, from the wreckage.
This was in 1973, during a time where men like David Purley and Gerhard Berger showed true human spirit and bravery. But that doesn't mean such is confined only to that period. Such people have always been my role models and they are definitely someone else's role model too. I believe that as long as we keep believing in valour and honour and chivalry, it will always be alive no matter what state the world is in.
My whole life I've been brought up surrounded by people who are morally upright and just. I will always remember the time when my parents were having it real rough. I remember sitting in the back of the car listening to my dad arguing with my mom. What really struck me the most though was when i heard him say "we can just seperate, end of story. But think about the children." That was during the aftermath of the 1998 asian financial crisis if I recall correctly. I will forever respect my dad for his strength and valour during that time and how he and my mom tided our family through those times.
Even my relatives, on my dad's side, my aunt is still with her husband and my uncle is still with his wife. On my mom's side, only 1 of her 8 or 9 sisters is seperated and as far as I know it is due to personality incompatability.
What do I really hope to accomplish with this post? I think I'm just hoping I can initiate the revival of morality, valour, courage, chivalry. In a day where everyone is mostly interested in making money and achieving success, I just wish that we can all stop for a moment to remember what is the human spirit, and what it stands for.
I'm making my initiative. An initiative to promote and remind people of morality, chivalry and valour. I hope I can one day revive the human spirit that has been lost through the struggle for success. I hope that I can reduce the number of broken families with adulterous couples. Everyone please remember David Purley and the countless other people who have showed the world that heart does exist and that as long as we hold on to it, it will always live on.

14 September 2008

Hail Scuderia Toro Rosso!

Sebastian Vettel is now currently the youngest Formula One driver to win a Grand Prix! What's more, he has done it with Scuderia Toro Rosso, formerly known as Minardi. Congratulations to the young 21 year old, and congratulations to a very popular win with a very popular result on a day that will go down in history.

11 September 2008


Wow it's been like how long since I started this blog and I'm only typing the 2nd post now! Alright forget about the first post cause that was just pathetic. I hope I can blog regularly from now on, even for at least once a week? Well my national slavery due date on the 22nd probably ain't gonna help but what the hell.

To kick off my first post I shall talk about just some random stuff that's going on around me and how I feel about them.

First off, it's my last day working for Nanyang Polytechnic tomorrow due to NS! I must say it was a wonderful opportunity and I'm extremely thankful for it. Training the WSS MEDDCADD Team has been at times frustrating and stressful but I wouldn't have had it any other way for the joy and friendship those guys have brought me is priceless. I'd also like to give a big thanks to my manager Mr Lim Kim Bah a.k.a teddymon (hope he doesn't see this :p). He's a real great guy and a really great manager, someone whom I've learnt so much from and it really was a pleasure to work under him.

I'd also like to thank my mentor cum boss Mr Teo Cheng Yong. From the start he took me under his wing and has always believed in me. Although we do not always agree on things, which can be rather frustrating at times :p, I've always seen him as a 2nd father to me and I really do not know how to repay him for all that he's done for me and taught me. Unfortunately for him I'm not the one to succeed him in his trade but he will always be regarded by me as my mentor and as some people say, my godfather.