7 October 2009

Please drive safely

Well it's been awhile since I've been here. Phew! Earlier I wanted to type a post about something but I just couldn't figure out what I wanted to talk about. Then I decided I'd post about not knowing what to post about, just to get my writing started. Now however, I've decided I want to use my blog to at least help spread something which was taught to me from a young age while I was doing something I'm still very passionate about.

I'm sure most people would've gotten the hint by now what this post will be about due to its title. Yes, ironically to many people, I was taught the great importance of safety by the person who taught me how to race karts.

Motorsports is dangerous by nature and the main aim is to drive the fastest. It would seem unlikely to many that really one of the first thing on any properly trained race driver's mind is that of safety first. I was taught how to race and how to fight and jostle for race position. We were also drilled very hard that safety always comes first and to only race on the track and never on the road. On and off the track, you don't learn from mistakes, it could be the last mistake you ever make.

Many people, male and female alike have a natural tendency to speed and many, especially males, possess an ego that just wants to show that he's the best and fastest driver on the road. That would be a great mentality for the racetrack but on the road it's just plain irresponsible. Please people, put aside your pride and ego and please drive safely when on the public roads. If you need to prove something then please do it on the track. And if you really must speed, as I am guilty of it myself, please do so without endangering the lives of others as well as yourself. Be responsible and think of the consequences. It's not about fines and demerit points, it's about innocent people's lives.

Saying all that, I'd like to leave you with a video that you can think about the next time you think of driving dangerously.