27 October 2008

First post from my new E51!

Just got my new phone which is camp friendly and am just trying out blogging with it. This is so cool haha. Ok well as you might have guessed from the title, my new phone is the Nokia E51, non-camera version of course. It's so hard to find a non-camera wifi phone these days! Credit to Nokia for thinking of us NS men. Ok now being faithful to my topic, I shall be giving my views on two leading mobile phone brands and what I feel their philosophy is. Note that these are my own personal views and anyone is welcome to correct me should I misinterpret anything drastically wrong.

Ok i shall first start with Nokia which I feel is now currently the leading mobile phone brand. They have done so much to outdo their other major competitors. It seems that while everyone else is working hard to think up and create new features and possibilities, Nokia has taken the opposite approach of keeping to what people are comfortable with. Their phones are user-friendly and they operate on highly compatible platforms which can be connected to a common pc through standard methods, namely USB. Their compatibility and friendly user interface has definitely won the hearts of many.

Sony Ericsson too has a wonderful human interface which was in fact the main reason for my previous phone. However the one thing I dislike about their phones is that they always require the use of proprietary connectors. Worse still, these connectors are prone to wear and tear thus making an older phone near impossible to charge at times. Furthermore, because of their connectors, I was unable to use my headset and charge the phone at the same time which can be quite inconvenient at times. Nonetheless, I really love the Sony Ericsson software and interface, probably even more so than that of Nokia. The truth is I would have gotten the G700 business edition over the E51 had they decided to add wifi to their new non-camera phone.

Well I'm using my E51 now and it's really amazing to use. I'm actually blogging on my phone! Haha ok I sound like such a noob blogger, which I honestly am.

9 October 2008

First & Foremost

Call me crazy, siao on, nuts, whatever, I don't care. I'm not one crazy enough to run in and die for no apparent reason, probably even for apparent reasons. I just stand by my principles.

I've always been taught that I should be proud of what I am and who I am. I am proud of my uniform and I take my time to ensure it is in good condition. You may ask why I am so patriotic towards a country with a government which seemingly only cares for itself? I don't give a fuck about this country's government. I do give a fuck however, about the land which I come from and about the people of Singapore, my fellow brethren. It's 2 whole fucking years, at least make the most of it right?

I am a PES E9L9 personnel, no doubt about that. I did not ask for it neither did I expect it. However, I won't let this phase me. Every job is created for a reason and I take pride in my work and myself. That is why I wear the knife, gear and platform on my collar.

If you're gonna do something, do it properly. I'd rather attend courses and do something more worthwhile than just laze around all day just because I am certified to laze around. There's just simply no point in wasting 2 fucking years of my life away like that.

I may be idealistic by being so enthusiastic about what I am doing, especially since everyone says it's just a "wayang" army. But the 7 core values were set down by people who sincerely believed in their mission and I feel that's something worth upholding. If everyone were to give up their idealistic dreams because everyone else told them to, what dreams would there be left?

Like I said, I want to help save the world. As long as I hold on to my ideals, this dream, this vision, it will never die. Ethics. It's not about taking the easiest way out, it's about taking the tougher, but right way through.

You can call me stubborn, blinded and naive. You can tear me down with whatever words you can think of. But I do what I believe to be right. You will not take away my pride.